Friday, October 21, 2016

The four images below are framed watercolors that
represent foods that are present in the Bible.  I am interested
in creating more images that are linked to Holy Scripture.

Eden's Garden

Bread of Heaven

Locusts and Honey

Five Barley Loaves and Two Fish 

The image below is a new watercolor based on a photo I took on a dark day in Moscow when the rain started in the darkness of early morning and persisted throughout the day.  People trudged about in the street and left slight wakes behind them as they charged onward to their destinations.  The wet beginning to that day seemed ominous, as least depressing.  But I found the cheerfulness of bright umbrellas and the determined sloshing and puddle-jumping off to work encouraging.  Though the weather was somber and chilly, my mind was alert and my heart warm as I experienced the lives of common people like myself, all of them God's children, rushing off despite the rain and gloom.

Off to Work
Watercolor by Elizabeth Roth, 2016